New wisdom investment limited

New Wisdom Investment Limited is a Hong Kong-based investment company that focuses on providing investment solutions to high net worth individuals, family offices, and institutional investors. Here are some key points about the company:


New Wisdom Investment Limited is a licensed corporation under the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap. 571) of Hong Kong. The company is authorized to carry on the business of dealing in securities, futures contracts, and other investment products.

Investment Strategies

New Wisdom Investment Limited employs a multi-asset class investment approach, which involves investing in a diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds, commodities, currencies, and other investment products. The company's investment strategies are designed to generate returns through a combination of capital appreciation, income generation, and risk management.

Investment Products

The company offers a range of investment products, including:

  1. Equity investments: Stocks, shares, and other equity-related securities.
  2. Fixed income investments: Bonds, notes, and other debt securities.
  3. Alternative investments: Private equity, hedge funds, and other alternative investment products.
  4. Currency and commodity investments: Foreign exchange, precious metals, and other commodity-related investments.
  5. Structured products: Customized investment products that combine multiple assets or strategies.

Investment Team

New Wisdom Investment Limited has a team of experienced investment professionals who are responsible for managing the company's investment portfolios. The team has expertise in various asset classes and investment strategies, and is committed to delivering high-quality investment solutions to clients.

Regulatory Compliance

The company is regulated by the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) of Hong Kong, which ensures that New Wisdom Investment Limited adheres to strict regulatory requirements and standards. The company is also a member of the Hong Kong Investment Funds Association (HKIFA) and the Alternative Investment Management Association (AIMA).

Client Base

New Wisdom Investment Limited serves a diverse range of clients, including high net worth individuals, family offices, institutional investors, and other financial institutions. The company's clients are based in Hong Kong, mainland China, and other parts of Asia.

Awards and Recognition

New Wisdom Investment Limited has received several awards and recognition for its investment performance and client service. The company has been named as one of the "Best Investment Firms" by various industry publications and has received awards for its investment products and strategies.

Overall, New Wisdom Investment Limited is a reputable investment company that offers a range of investment products and strategies to clients in Hong Kong and Asia. The company's experienced investment team and regulatory compliance ensure that clients can trust their investments with New Wisdom Investment Limited.