Apc want fayose to declare asset

It appears you're referring to the recent development in Nigeria, specifically the Asset Declaration saga involving former Ekiti State Governor, Ayodele Fayose.

To provide some context, the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) has been investigating Fayose over alleged financial improprieties during his tenure as governor. As part of the investigation, the EFCC has been demanding that Fayose declare his assets, which he has refused to do.

The APC (All Progressives Congress) has been vocal in its criticism of Fayose's refusal to declare his assets, with some party members accusing him of hiding something. The APC has been calling on Fayose to come clean and declare his assets, citing the need for transparency and accountability in public office.

Fayose, on the other hand, has maintained that he has nothing to hide and has accused the EFCC of political witch-hunt. He has also claimed that the EFCC is trying to intimidate him into declaring his assets, which he believes is a violation of his rights.

The situation has sparked a heated debate in Nigeria, with many calling for greater transparency and accountability in public office. The EFCC has maintained that its investigation is ongoing and that Fayose's refusal to declare his assets is hindering the progress of the investigation.

It's worth noting that the Asset Declaration Act requires public officials to declare their assets within a certain timeframe, and failure to do so can result in legal consequences. The EFCC has the power to investigate and prosecute public officials who fail to declare their assets or engage in financial improprieties.

In summary, the APC wants Fayose to declare his assets as part of the ongoing investigation into alleged financial improprieties during his tenure as governor. Fayose has refused to declare his assets, citing political witch-hunt and intimidation by the EFCC. The situation has sparked a heated debate in Nigeria, with many calling for greater transparency and accountability in public office.