New ways to start a text conversation

Here are some new ways to start a text conversation:

  1. Ask an interesting question: "What's the best thing that's happened to you this week?"
  2. Make a funny observation: "I just saw the funniest meme and it made me think of you"
  3. Share a personal experience: "I just got back from an amazing vacation and I have to tell you all about it"
  4. Show genuine interest: "How was your day? Anything exciting happen?"
  5. Use a playful emoji: "😊 Hey, what's up?"
  6. Start with a quote or joke: "Life is like a pizza, even when it's bad, it's still pretty good 🍕"
  7. Ask for advice: "I'm trying to decide between two restaurants for dinner, which one do you think is better?"
  8. Share a funny story: "I just saw the funniest thing on my commute home and I have to tell you about it"
  9. Use a personal anecdote: "I just had the craziest thing happen to me and I need to tell someone about it"
  10. Start with a compliment: "You look amazing in that photo, where did you get it taken?"
  11. Use a fun fact: "Did you know that [insert fun fact here]? Mind blown, right?"
  12. Ask for help: "I'm trying to figure out how to [insert problem here], do you have any advice?"
  13. Share a new discovery: "I just discovered the best new podcast and I have to share it with you"
  14. Use a playful challenge: "I dare you to [insert fun challenge here]"
  15. Start with a personal reflection: "I've been thinking a lot about [insert topic here] and I wanted to share my thoughts with you"
  16. Use a funny GIF: "😂 Hey, I just saw this GIF and it made me think of you"
  17. Ask for recommendations: "I'm looking for a new book to read, do you have any recommendations?"
  18. Share a personal goal: "I've been trying to [insert goal here] and I wanted to share my progress with you"
  19. Use a motivational quote: "Believe you can and you're halfway there 🏃‍♀️"
  20. Start with a surprise: "I just got tickets to [insert event here] and I wanted to surprise you with the news"

Remember, the key to starting a great text conversation is to be genuine, interesting, and engaging. Choose a method that feels natural to you and your relationship with the person you're texting.