New tenancy law in lagos state

You're referring to the new tenancy law in Lagos State, Nigeria!

Yes, in 2021, the Lagos State Government passed the Lagos State Tenancy Law, 2021, which aims to regulate the relationship between landlords and tenants in the state. The law is designed to provide a framework for the protection of tenants' rights and interests, while also ensuring that landlords are able to manage their properties effectively.

Some key provisions of the new tenancy law in Lagos State include:

  1. Registration of Tenancies: The law requires all tenancies in Lagos State to be registered with the Lagos State Ministry of Housing. This includes both residential and commercial tenancies.
  2. Tenancy Agreements: The law requires that all tenancy agreements be in writing and signed by both the landlord and tenant. The agreement must include the terms and conditions of the tenancy, including the rent, duration, and responsibilities of each party.
  3. Rent Control: The law establishes a rent control mechanism to prevent excessive rent increases. The rent can only be increased every two years, and the increase must be approved by the Lagos State Government.
  4. Security Deposit: The law requires landlords to return the security deposit to tenants within 30 days of the tenancy ending, provided that the tenant has fulfilled their obligations under the tenancy agreement.
  5. Eviction: The law provides for the circumstances under which a landlord can evict a tenant, including non-payment of rent, breach of the tenancy agreement, and nuisance or disturbance to the landlord or other tenants.
  6. Dispute Resolution: The law establishes a dispute resolution mechanism to resolve disputes between landlords and tenants. This includes mediation and arbitration, and in some cases, court proceedings.
  7. Protection of Tenants' Rights: The law provides for the protection of tenants' rights, including the right to quiet enjoyment of the property, the right to privacy, and the right to access to essential services such as water, electricity, and sanitation.

Overall, the new tenancy law in Lagos State aims to promote a more balanced and fair relationship between landlords and tenants, while also ensuring that the state's housing stock is managed effectively and efficiently.

I hope this information is helpful!