Best exchange rate sterling to new zealand dollars

The best exchange rate for Sterling (GBP) to New Zealand Dollars (NZD) can vary depending on several factors such as the current market rate, the bank or currency exchange service you use, and any fees or commissions applied. Here are some general guidelines to help you find the best exchange rate:

  1. Check online currency converters: Websites like,, or Google Currency Converter can give you an idea of the current exchange rate. Keep in mind that these rates may not reflect the actual rate you'll get when exchanging your money.
  2. Compare bank rates: Check the exchange rates offered by your bank or credit union for transferring GBP to NZD. Some banks may offer better rates than others, so it's worth shopping around.
  3. Specialized currency exchange services: Companies like TransferWise, OFX, or Travelex often offer competitive exchange rates and lower fees than traditional banks.
  4. Avoid airports and hotels: Exchange rates at airports and hotels tend to be less favorable, with higher fees and commissions.
  5. Consider using a debit or credit card: If you have a debit or credit card with no foreign transaction fees, you can use it to make purchases in New Zealand and avoid exchanging cash altogether.

Here are some approximate exchange rates for GBP to NZD:

Please note that these rates are subject to change and may not reflect the actual rate you'll get when exchanging your money. It's always a good idea to check the current exchange rate and fees before making a transaction.