New student orientation

New Student Orientation! A crucial step in setting the tone for a successful academic journey. Here's a comprehensive guide to help you prepare and make the most out of this exciting experience:

What is New Student Orientation?

New Student Orientation is a program designed to welcome and introduce new students to the university community. It's a chance to meet fellow students, faculty, and staff, and get familiar with campus resources, policies, and procedures.

Pre-Orientation Checklist

Before attending orientation, make sure to:

  1. Confirm your attendance: Check your email for orientation details and confirm your attendance.
  2. Complete any required paperwork: Ensure you've completed all necessary forms, such as health insurance waivers or financial aid documents.
  3. Set up your student account: Activate your student email and login credentials.
  4. Review course schedules: Check your course schedule and make sure you're aware of your class times and locations.
  5. Pack essential items: Bring necessary documents, such as your ID, insurance cards, and any other important papers.

What to Expect During Orientation

During orientation, you'll typically participate in:

  1. Welcome sessions: Meet with university administrators, faculty, and staff to learn about campus life, policies, and resources.
  2. Academic advising: Meet with your academic advisor to discuss your course schedule, degree requirements, and academic goals.
  3. Campus tours: Explore the campus, including classrooms, libraries, and student facilities.
  4. Student organization fairs: Learn about student clubs, organizations, and extracurricular activities.
  5. Social events: Meet fellow students and make new friends during icebreaker games, social gatherings, and other activities.
  6. Workshops and sessions: Attend sessions on topics like time management, study skills, and campus safety.

Tips for a Successful Orientation

  1. Arrive early: Plan to arrive at least 30 minutes before your scheduled orientation time.
  2. Be prepared to ask questions: Don't hesitate to ask questions or seek clarification on any topics that confuse you.
  3. Take notes: Jot down important information, such as deadlines, contact information, and campus resources.
  4. Meet with your academic advisor: Take advantage of this opportunity to discuss your academic goals and plan your course schedule.
  5. Get involved: Attend social events and join student organizations to meet new people and get involved in campus life.

After Orientation

After orientation, make sure to:

  1. Review your course schedule: Double-check your course schedule and make any necessary adjustments.
  2. Set up your student account: Complete any remaining tasks, such as setting up your student email or online course platforms.
  3. Get familiar with campus resources: Explore the campus, including libraries, student centers, and other facilities.
  4. Stay connected: Join student organizations, attend campus events, and stay in touch with fellow students and faculty.

By following these tips and being prepared, you'll set yourself up for a successful and enjoyable academic journey. Congratulations on your new student orientation!