Kiss kizz daniel buga won mp3 download tiktok lyrics multiloaded

It seems like you're looking for information on the song "Buga" by Kizz Daniel, featuring Tekno, and also wanting to know the lyrics and how to download the MP3.

Here's what I found:

Song Information:


You can find the lyrics to "Buga" on various online platforms, such as Genius, AZLyrics, or MetroLyrics. Here's a snippet:

"Kizz Daniel - Buga (Lyrics) Verse 1: I'm feeling like a star, I'm shining bright I'm feeling like a star, I'm shining bright I'm feeling like a star, I'm shining bright I'm feeling like a star, I'm shining bright"

MP3 Download:

You can download the MP3 of "Buga" from various online music platforms, such as:


Multiloaded is a popular Nigerian music streaming platform that allows users to stream and download music. You can find "Buga" on Multiloaded by searching for the song title.


You can find the official TikTok video for "Buga" by searching for the hashtag #Buga or #KizzDaniel. The song has been widely used on the platform, with many users creating their own dance challenges and lip-sync videos to the song.