New strong's concise concordance of the bible

The New Strong's Concise Concordance of the Bible is a popular reference book that helps readers look up and understand the meanings of words and phrases in the Bible. Here's an overview:

What is a concordance? A concordance is a book that indexes the words and phrases in a text, such as the Bible, and provides references to where those words and phrases appear in the text. This allows readers to quickly look up and study specific words and phrases in context.

What is Strong's Concordance? Strong's Concordance is a comprehensive concordance of the Bible that was first published in 1890 by James Strong. It is based on the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible and contains over 5,700 entries, including:

What is the New Strong's Concise Concordance? The New Strong's Concise Concordance is a condensed version of the original Strong's Concordance. It is designed to be more portable and easier to use than the original, while still providing the same level of detail and accuracy.

Features of the New Strong's Concise Concordance:

Who is this book for? The New Strong's Concise Concordance is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to study the Bible in depth. It is particularly useful for:

Overall, the New Strong's Concise Concordance is a powerful tool for anyone who wants to explore the Bible and deepen their understanding of its message.