Download new breviary

A breviary is a book of daily prayers and readings used by Christians, particularly in the Catholic and Anglican traditions. Here are a few ways you can download a new breviary:

Digital Breviaries:

  1. Divine Office (iOS, Android): A popular digital breviary app that offers the Liturgy of the Hours in multiple languages.
  2. Universalis (iOS, Android): A digital breviary app that provides the Liturgy of the Hours, as well as other Catholic prayers and readings.
  3. iBreviary (iOS): A digital breviary app that offers the Liturgy of the Hours in Latin and English.

Free Online Breviaries:

  1. Universalis (online): You can access the Liturgy of the Hours online, without downloading an app.
  2. Divine Office (online): The Divine Office website offers the Liturgy of the Hours online, with options to customize your prayers and readings.

PDF Breviaries:

  1. USCCB (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops): You can download a free PDF breviary from the USCCB website.
  2. Catholic Church Online: You can download a free PDF breviary from the Catholic Church Online website.

Other Options:

  1. Purchase a physical breviary: If you prefer a physical book, you can purchase a breviary from a Catholic bookstore or online retailer.
  2. Check with your local parish: Your local parish may have a breviary available for purchase or loan.

Remember to always verify the authenticity and accuracy of any digital or online breviary before using it.