New star de d fc

You're looking for a new star in the constellation of Draco (the Dragon)!

Here's a list of some notable stars in Draco:

  1. Eltanin (γ Draconis): A bright, yellow-white supergiant star with a magnitude of 2.24.
  2. Rastaban (β Draconis): A blue-white giant star with a magnitude of 2.86.
  3. Thuban (α Draconis): A yellow-white supergiant star and the brightest star in Draco, with a magnitude of 3.68.
  4. Gianfar (δ Draconis): A blue-white subgiant star with a magnitude of 3.86.
  5. Dziban (ε Draconis): A yellow-orange giant star with a magnitude of 4.06.

These stars are all relatively bright and can be seen with the naked eye on a clear night. If you're interested in exploring more stars in Draco, I can provide you with a list of all the stars in the constellation, along with their magnitudes and spectral types!