Albuminstance new album params in grails 3

In Grails 3, you can create a new album instance with the following code:

def album = new Album(params)

Here, Album is the domain class that represents the album, and params is a map of parameters that you want to pass to the album instance.

For example, if you have a form with fields for title, artist, and releaseDate, you can create a new album instance like this:

def album = new Album(params)
album.title = params.title
album.artist = params.artist
album.releaseDate = params.releaseDate

Alternatively, you can use the save() method to create a new album instance and save it to the database in one step:

def album = new Album(params).save()

This will create a new album instance with the values from the params map and save it to the database.

Note that in Grails 3, the params object is automatically populated with the values from the request parameters, so you don't need to manually set the values on the album instance. For example, if you have a form with a field named title, you can access the value of that field using params.title.

Also, you can use the Album.create() method to create a new album instance, it will return the saved instance or the errors if there are any:

def album = Album.create(params)

You can also use the method to save the album instance, it will return the saved instance or the errors if there are any:

def album = new Album(params)

It's worth noting that in Grails 3, the save() method will return the saved instance or the errors if there are any, so you can use it to validate the data before saving it to the database.