New staff orientation

A new staff orientation is a crucial step in onboarding new employees and setting them up for success in their new role. Here's a comprehensive outline to help you plan a thorough and engaging new staff orientation:


  1. Send out a welcome package: Send a welcome package to new employees with essential information, such as company policies, benefits, and a schedule of orientation activities.
  2. Schedule orientation sessions: Schedule orientation sessions at a convenient time and date for new employees.
  3. Prepare necessary materials: Prepare necessary materials, such as employee handbooks, job descriptions, and company policies.

Orientation Agenda

  1. Introduction and welcome: Welcome new employees and introduce them to the team.
  2. Company overview: Provide an overview of the company, including its history, mission, values, and culture.
  3. Job expectations: Review job expectations, responsibilities, and performance goals.
  4. Company policies: Review company policies, such as attendance, dress code, and communication policies.
  5. Benefits and compensation: Explain benefits and compensation packages, including health insurance, retirement plans, and paid time off.
  6. Team introductions: Introduce new employees to their colleagues and supervisors.
  7. Job-specific training: Provide job-specific training and orientation to help new employees understand their role and responsibilities.
  8. Tour of facilities: Give new employees a tour of the facilities, including the office, break rooms, and other important areas.
  9. Q&A session: Allow time for new employees to ask questions and clarify any doubts.


  1. Follow-up: Follow up with new employees to ensure they have settled in and are comfortable in their new role.
  2. Check-ins: Schedule regular check-ins with new employees to monitor their progress and provide feedback.
  3. Mentorship: Assign a mentor to new employees to provide guidance and support.
  4. Feedback: Encourage new employees to provide feedback on the orientation process and suggest improvements.

Tips and Best Practices

  1. Make it engaging: Make the orientation process engaging and interactive by incorporating games, quizzes, and group activities.
  2. Keep it concise: Keep the orientation process concise and to the point, avoiding unnecessary information.
  3. Use visual aids: Use visual aids, such as presentations, videos, and handouts, to help new employees understand complex information.
  4. Encourage participation: Encourage new employees to participate and ask questions during the orientation process.
  5. Evaluate the process: Evaluate the orientation process regularly to identify areas for improvement and make necessary changes.

By following this comprehensive outline, you can create a thorough and engaging new staff orientation that sets new employees up for success in their new role.