New soccer rules

There are no significant changes to the official rules of soccer (FIFA Laws of the Game) for the 2022-2023 season. However, there are some minor updates and clarifications to existing rules. Here are some of the key changes:

  1. VAR (Video Assistant Referee) updates: FIFA has made some adjustments to the VAR system to improve its effectiveness. These changes include:
    • The introduction of a "clear and obvious" threshold for offside decisions, which means that only clear and obvious offside offenses will be reviewed.
    • The use of VAR to review handball decisions, including whether the ball has been deliberately handled or not.
  2. Substitutions: The number of substitutions allowed per team has been increased from three to five, effective from the 2022-2023 season.
  3. Goalkeeper restrictions: Goalkeepers are no longer allowed to handle the ball with their hands if it has been deliberately kicked to them by a teammate using their feet or chest.
  4. Free kicks: The ball is now in play if it is kicked out of bounds by a defending team during a free kick, unless the ball was kicked out of bounds by a player who was not attempting to play the ball.
  5. Penalty kicks: The ball is now in play if it is kicked out of bounds by a defending team during a penalty kick, unless the ball was kicked out of bounds by a player who was not attempting to play the ball.
  6. Yellow and red cards: The duration of a yellow card suspension has been increased from one match to two matches, effective from the 2022-2023 season.
  7. Fouls and misconduct: The definition of a "serious foul play" has been updated to include any behavior that is "reckless, brutal or by using excessive force or brutality."
  8. Injury treatment: The time allowed for treating an injured player has been increased from 3-5 minutes to 5-10 minutes, effective from the 2022-2023 season.
  9. Ball size and weight: The size and weight of the ball used in professional matches have been standardized to ensure consistency across all competitions.
  10. Referee communication: Referees are now allowed to communicate with each other and with the assistant referees using a radio system, effective from the 2022-2023 season.

These changes are intended to improve the game, increase player safety, and enhance the overall fan experience.