New salary structure 2019

Here is a general outline of the new salary structure in India for the year 2019:

Pay Commission 7th CPC (2016)

The 7th Pay Commission was implemented in 2016, and the new salary structure was effective from January 1, 2016. The commission recommended a 23.55% increase in salaries for central government employees.

New Salary Structure (2019)

The new salary structure for 2019 is based on the 7th Pay Commission recommendations. Here are the key changes:

  1. Basic Pay: The basic pay is the minimum salary that an employee receives. It is calculated based on the employee's grade pay, which is a fixed amount added to the basic pay.
  2. Grade Pay: Grade pay is a fixed amount added to the basic pay to determine the total salary. It varies based on the employee's rank, position, and department.
  3. Allowances: Allowances are additional amounts paid to employees to cover expenses such as housing, transportation, and food. There are several types of allowances, including:
    • Dearness Allowance (DA): a percentage of the basic pay to cover inflation
    • House Rent Allowance (HRA): a percentage of the basic pay to cover housing expenses
    • Transport Allowance (TA): a fixed amount to cover transportation expenses
    • Other Allowances (OA): various allowances for specific expenses, such as medical expenses or children's education
  4. Arrears: Arrears are the amount of money an employee is entitled to receive as a result of a salary increase or change in the salary structure. In 2019, the government announced a one-time arrear payment to employees who were affected by the 7th Pay Commission recommendations.

Salary Structure for Central Government Employees (2019)

Here is a general outline of the salary structure for central government employees in 2019:

Salary Structure for State Government Employees (2019)

The salary structure for state government employees in 2019 is similar to that of central government employees, with some variations. The salary structure for state government employees is determined by the respective state governments, and may vary depending on the state and the employee's department.

Note: The salary structure outlined above is a general outline and may vary depending on the specific department, rank, and position of the employee. Additionally, the salary structure may change over time due to changes in government policies or economic conditions.