New rules for permanent residence in denmark

Denmark has introduced new rules for permanent residence, which came into effect on January 1, 2020. Here are the key changes:

New rules for permanent residence in Denmark:

  1. Residence requirement: To be eligible for permanent residence, you must have been a resident in Denmark for at least 6 years (previously 3 years).
  2. Language requirement: You must have a good knowledge of the Danish language (level B2 in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). This requirement applies to all applicants, regardless of their nationality.
  3. Integration requirement: You must have completed an integration course and passed the Danish language and culture test (Folkeskole) or have equivalent knowledge.
  4. Income requirement: You must have a stable income that is sufficient to support yourself and your family. The income requirement is set at DKK 47,000 (approximately EUR 6,300) per year for a single person and DKK 63,000 (approximately EUR 8,400) per year for a family.
  5. Health insurance: You must have health insurance that covers you in Denmark.
  6. Criminal record: You must not have a criminal record or any pending criminal charges.
  7. Tax obligations: You must have fulfilled your tax obligations in Denmark.

Changes for EU/EEA citizens:

  1. Residence requirement: EU/EEA citizens who have been living in Denmark for at least 5 years can apply for permanent residence.
  2. Language requirement: EU/EEA citizens do not need to demonstrate a good knowledge of the Danish language, but they must have a basic knowledge of the language.
  3. Integration requirement: EU/EEA citizens do not need to complete an integration course, but they must have a basic knowledge of Danish language and culture.

Changes for non-EU/EEA citizens:

  1. Residence requirement: Non-EU/EEA citizens who have been living in Denmark for at least 6 years can apply for permanent residence.
  2. Language requirement: Non-EU/EEA citizens must have a good knowledge of the Danish language (level B2 in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).
  3. Integration requirement: Non-EU/EEA citizens must have completed an integration course and passed the Danish language and culture test (Folkeskole) or have equivalent knowledge.

Additional requirements:

  1. Biometric residence permit: All applicants for permanent residence must have a biometric residence permit.
  2. Background check: The Danish Immigration Service may conduct a background check on applicants for permanent residence.

It's essential to note that these rules are subject to change, and new requirements may be introduced. If you're planning to apply for permanent residence in Denmark, it's recommended that you consult the official government website or consult with a qualified immigration lawyer to ensure you meet the current requirements.