Afex partners fmdq to promote product innovation for nigerias capital market

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AFEX Partners FMDQ to Promote Product Innovation for Nigeria's Capital Market

The African Exchange Holdings Limited (AFEX), a leading digital commodities exchange in Nigeria, has partnered with FMDQ Securities Exchange Limited (FMDQ), a leading financial market infrastructure in Nigeria, to promote product innovation in the country's capital market.

Objectives of the Partnership

The partnership aims to drive innovation in the Nigerian capital market by developing new products and services that cater to the needs of investors, issuers, and other market participants. The collaboration will focus on creating a more efficient and competitive market, thereby enhancing the overall growth and development of the Nigerian economy.

Benefits of the Partnership

The partnership is expected to bring several benefits to the Nigerian capital market, including:

  1. Increased Product Offerings: The partnership will enable AFEX and FMDQ to develop new products and services that cater to the diverse needs of investors and issuers.
  2. Improved Market Efficiency: The collaboration will promote the development of more efficient and competitive market structures, which will benefit all market participants.
  3. Enhanced Investor Experience: The partnership will enable AFEX and FMDQ to offer investors a wider range of investment opportunities, thereby enhancing their overall experience.
  4. Increased Market Access: The partnership will provide issuers with greater access to the capital market, enabling them to raise capital more easily and efficiently.

About AFEX and FMDQ

AFEX is a leading digital commodities exchange in Nigeria, providing a platform for the trading of agricultural commodities, including cocoa, coffee, and cotton. FMDQ is a leading financial market infrastructure in Nigeria, providing a platform for the trading of fixed income securities, including government securities, corporate bonds, and commercial papers.


The partnership between AFEX and FMDQ is a significant development in the Nigerian capital market, as it will promote product innovation and drive growth and development in the economy. The collaboration will enable the two companies to develop new products and services that cater to the needs of investors, issuers, and other market participants, thereby enhancing the overall efficiency and competitiveness of the market.