New relic analytics

New Relic Analytics is a cloud-based application performance monitoring (APM) and analytics platform that helps organizations understand and optimize the performance of their software applications. Here are some key features and benefits of New Relic Analytics:

Key Features:

  1. Application Performance Monitoring (APM): New Relic Analytics provides real-time visibility into application performance, including response times, error rates, and throughput.
  2. Transaction Tracing: New Relic Analytics allows you to trace individual transactions and see how they flow through your application, including database queries, network requests, and other dependencies.
  3. Error Tracking: New Relic Analytics provides detailed error tracking, including error rates, error messages, and error stacks.
  4. User Experience Monitoring: New Relic Analytics provides insights into user experience, including page load times, user engagement, and user behavior.
  5. Custom Dashboards: New Relic Analytics allows you to create custom dashboards to visualize your application performance data.
  6. Alerting and Notifications: New Relic Analytics provides alerting and notification capabilities to notify you of performance issues or anomalies.
  7. Integration with Other Tools: New Relic Analytics integrates with other tools and services, such as AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, and more.


  1. Improved Application Performance: New Relic Analytics helps you identify and resolve performance issues, resulting in faster and more reliable applications.
  2. Increased User Satisfaction: By providing insights into user experience, New Relic Analytics helps you identify areas for improvement to increase user satisfaction.
  3. Reduced Downtime: New Relic Analytics provides real-time monitoring and alerting, helping you quickly identify and resolve issues before they impact users.
  4. Data-Driven Decision Making: New Relic Analytics provides detailed analytics and insights, enabling data-driven decision making to optimize application performance and user experience.
  5. Cost Savings: By identifying and resolving performance issues, New Relic Analytics can help you reduce costs associated with downtime, support requests, and infrastructure upgrades.

Use Cases:

  1. E-commerce: New Relic Analytics helps e-commerce companies optimize application performance to improve user experience and increase conversions.
  2. Financial Services: New Relic Analytics helps financial services companies ensure high availability and performance of critical applications, such as trading platforms and online banking systems.
  3. Gaming: New Relic Analytics helps game developers optimize application performance to improve user experience and reduce latency.
  4. Healthcare: New Relic Analytics helps healthcare organizations ensure high availability and performance of critical applications, such as electronic health records and patient portals.


New Relic Analytics offers a variety of pricing plans, including:

  1. New Relic APM: $49/month (billed annually) for up to 10,000 transactions per minute.
  2. New Relic Insights: $99/month (billed annually) for up to 100,000 transactions per minute.
  3. New Relic Enterprise: Custom pricing for large enterprises with complex application environments.

Overall, New Relic Analytics is a powerful tool for monitoring and optimizing application performance, providing valuable insights and analytics to help organizations improve user experience and reduce downtime.