New republic star wars

The New Republic! A pivotal era in the Star Wars galaxy, spanning from the fall of the Galactic Empire to the rise of the Galactic Federation. Here's a brief overview:


The New Republic was formed in 5 ABY (After the Battle of Yavin) after the Rebel Alliance, led by General Han Solo and Princess Leia Organa, defeated the Galactic Empire in the Battle of Endor. The Rebel Alliance was reorganized into the New Republic, with Mon Mothma as its first Chancellor.

Key Events

  1. Battle of Endor (4 ABY): The Rebel Alliance, with the help of the Ewoks, defeats the Empire in a decisive battle, leading to the destruction of the Death Star II.
  2. Formation of the New Republic (5 ABY): The Rebel Alliance is reorganized into the New Republic, with Mon Mothma as its first Chancellor.
  3. War with the Empire (5-10 ABY): The New Republic fights a series of battles against the remnants of the Empire, including the Battle of Dantooine and the Battle of Ryloth.
  4. Death of Emperor Palpatine (4 ABY): The Emperor is killed by Luke Skywalker, marking the end of the Empire's reign.
  5. Rise of the First Order (30-35 ABY): The New Republic becomes complacent and neglects its military, allowing the First Order to rise from the ashes of the Empire.

Notable Characters

  1. Mon Mothma: The first Chancellor of the New Republic, known for her leadership and diplomacy.
  2. Han Solo: A legendary smuggler and general who plays a key role in the Battle of Endor and the early years of the New Republic.
  3. Leia Organa: A leader of the Rebel Alliance and later a General in the New Republic, known for her bravery and strategic thinking.
  4. Luke Skywalker: A Jedi Knight who helps defeat the Empire and becomes a key figure in the New Republic.
  5. Grand Admiral Thrawn: A skilled Imperial officer who becomes a key figure in the New Republic's military, serving as a general and later as a Grand Admiral.

Notable Locations

  1. Coruscant: The former capital of the Galactic Empire, which becomes the capital of the New Republic.
  2. Dantooine: A planet that plays a key role in the early years of the New Republic, serving as a base for the Rebel Alliance.
  3. Ryloth: A planet that is home to the Twi'lek species and becomes a key battleground in the war between the New Republic and the Empire.
  4. Endor: A forest moon that is the site of the Battle of Endor, a pivotal battle in the war against the Empire.


The New Republic era sets the stage for the events of the sequel trilogy, as the galaxy begins to rebuild and the First Order rises to power. The era is marked by a sense of hope and optimism, as the galaxy begins to heal from the wounds of the Empire's reign.