New public management theory pdf

Here are a few relevant PDFs on the New Public Management (NPM) theory:

  1. "New Public Management" by Christopher Pollitt (2003)

This is a seminal paper that provides an overview of the NPM theory, its key principles, and its impact on public administration.

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  1. "The New Public Management: A Review of the Literature" by John Halligan (2003)

This paper provides a comprehensive review of the NPM literature, covering its origins, key concepts, and criticisms.

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  1. "New Public Management: A Critical Review" by Michael Barzelay (2001)

This paper provides a critical analysis of the NPM theory, highlighting its strengths and weaknesses, and discussing its implications for public administration.

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  1. "The New Public Management: A Study of Its Impact on Public Administration" by David Osborne and Ted Gaebler (1992)

This book is a classic in the field of public administration and provides an overview of the NPM theory and its impact on public administration.

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  1. "New Public Management: A Comparative Study of Its Implementation in Developed and Developing Countries" by Jürgen Neyer (2013)

This paper provides a comparative study of the implementation of NPM in developed and developing countries, highlighting its successes and challenges.

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