Gary neville calls united fans patient mourinho

I think I know what you're referring to!

Gary Neville, a former Manchester United player and current pundit, has indeed criticized Manchester United fans for being "patient" with Jose Mourinho, the club's former manager. Neville has been vocal about his disappointment with Mourinho's tactics and team selection during his time at Old Trafford.

In an interview with Sky Sports in 2018, Neville said: "I think the fans have been too patient with Jose Mourinho. I think they've been too patient with him, and I think they've been too patient with the team."

Neville's comments were in response to United's poor form under Mourinho, which included a series of disappointing results and a lack of attacking flair. Many fans and pundits felt that Mourinho's tactics were too defensive-minded and that he was not getting the best out of the team's talented players.

Mourinho was eventually sacked by Manchester United in December 2018, and Ole Gunnar Solskjaer took over as interim manager. Under Solskjaer, United's form improved significantly, and the team has since become more attacking-minded and entertaining to watch.

So, in summary, Gary Neville's comments were a criticism of Manchester United fans for being too patient with Jose Mourinho's underwhelming performances as manager.