New product launch marketing plan example

Here's an example of a new product launch marketing plan:

Product: SmartFit, a wearable fitness tracker that tracks daily activity, sleep, and nutrition.

Target Audience: Fitness enthusiasts, health-conscious individuals, and busy professionals aged 25-45.

Marketing Objectives:

  1. Create awareness and generate buzz around the new product.
  2. Drive sales and achieve a minimum of 10,000 units sold within the first 6 months.
  3. Position SmartFit as a leader in the wearable fitness tracker market.

Marketing Strategies:

  1. Pre-Launch Hype:
    • Teaser campaign on social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) with cryptic messages and images.
    • Influencer partnerships with fitness influencers to generate buzz and build anticipation.
    • Limited-time pre-order offer to create a sense of urgency.
  2. Launch Day:
    • Press release announcing the launch of SmartFit.
    • Live event or webinar featuring product demos and expert panel discussions.
    • Social media campaign with engaging content, contests, and giveaways.
  3. Post-Launch:
    • Email marketing campaign targeting subscribers with exclusive offers and promotions.
    • Content marketing strategy featuring blog posts, videos, and infographics highlighting the benefits of SmartFit.
    • Paid advertising on Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and sponsored content on popular fitness websites.
  4. Influencer and Partnership Marketing:
    • Partner with fitness studios and gyms to offer exclusive discounts and promotions.
    • Collaborate with popular fitness influencers to showcase SmartFit in their daily routines.
    • Integrate with popular health and fitness apps to expand reach and functionality.
  5. Public Relations:
    • Media outreach to secure product reviews and feature stories in top-tier publications.
    • Pitch stories and press releases to media outlets, focusing on the unique features and benefits of SmartFit.

Budget Allocation:

  1. Pre-Launch Hype: 20%
  2. Launch Day: 30%
  3. Post-Launch: 25%
  4. Influencer and Partnership Marketing: 15%
  5. Public Relations: 10%


  1. Month 1-2: Pre-launch hype and influencer partnerships.
  2. Month 3: Launch day and press release.
  3. Month 4-6: Post-launch email marketing, content marketing, and paid advertising.
  4. Month 7-9: Ongoing influencer and partnership marketing, and public relations efforts.
  5. Month 10: Review and adjust marketing strategy based on performance data.

Performance Metrics:

  1. Website traffic and engagement metrics (e.g., page views, bounce rate, time on site).
  2. Social media metrics (e.g., followers, engagement rate, reach).
  3. Email marketing metrics (e.g., open rate, click-through rate, conversion rate).
  4. Sales and revenue metrics (e.g., units sold, revenue generated).
  5. Customer satisfaction metrics (e.g., customer retention rate, Net Promoter Score).

By following this marketing plan, SmartFit aims to create a successful product launch, generate buzz and excitement around the new product, and drive sales and revenue growth.