New oxford american dictionary

The New Oxford American Dictionary (NOAD) is a comprehensive dictionary published by Oxford University Press. It is a popular reference book that provides definitions, pronunciation guides, and usage examples for over 170,000 words, phrases, and senses.

Here are some key features of the NOAD:

  1. Comprehensive coverage: The NOAD covers a wide range of words, including common and uncommon words, technical terms, and slang.
  2. Clear definitions: The dictionary provides clear and concise definitions for each word, along with examples of usage to help illustrate their meanings.
  3. Pronunciation guides: The NOAD includes pronunciation guides for each word, using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) system.
  4. Etymologies: The dictionary provides etymologies for many words, tracing their origins and evolution over time.
  5. Usage notes: The NOAD includes usage notes to help users understand the nuances of word usage, including idiomatic expressions, colloquialisms, and regional variations.
  6. Examples: The dictionary provides numerous examples of word usage, including sentences, phrases, and quotations from literature and other sources.
  7. Appendices: The NOAD includes several appendices, including a list of abbreviations, a list of chemical symbols, and a list of metric and imperial units.

The NOAD is available in print and digital formats, including:

  1. Print edition: The print edition is a comprehensive reference book that can be used as a desk dictionary or kept on a bookshelf.
  2. Digital edition: The digital edition is available as an e-book or online subscription, allowing users to access the dictionary on their devices or online.
  3. Mobile app: The NOAD is also available as a mobile app for iOS and Android devices, providing users with a portable and convenient reference tool.

Overall, the New Oxford American Dictionary is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to improve their language skills, understand word meanings, and enhance their writing and communication abilities.