Youtube new version

You're referring to the new YouTube design!

YouTube has been rolling out a new design, also known as "YouTube V3," which aims to improve the user experience, make the platform more visually appealing, and enhance discoverability. Here are some key changes you might have noticed:

  1. New Navigation Menu: The navigation menu has been simplified and moved to the top left corner of the screen. This makes it easier to access your favorite channels, playlists, and other features.
  2. Improved Video Player: The video player has been redesigned with a more modern look and feel. You'll notice a new progress bar, improved video controls, and a more prominent play button.
  3. Enhanced Video Thumbnails: Video thumbnails are now larger and more prominent, making it easier to see what a video is about before clicking on it.
  4. New Channel Pages: Channel pages have been redesigned to showcase a channel's content, community, and creator information in a more visually appealing way.
  5. Improved Search Results: Search results are now more organized and easier to navigate, with a focus on surfacing relevant content and reducing clutter.
  6. New Recommendations: YouTube's recommendation algorithm has been improved to suggest more relevant videos based on your viewing history and preferences.
  7. Enhanced Commenting: Commenting on videos has been improved with a new design and features like threaded comments and improved moderation tools.
  8. New Creator Tools: Creators now have access to new tools and features, such as improved analytics, customizable end screens, and more.
  9. Mobile App Updates: The YouTube mobile app has also received updates, including a new design, improved video playback, and enhanced discovery features.

These changes are designed to make YouTube a more enjoyable and engaging platform for both creators and viewers.