New nddc board members

You're looking for the list of new NDDC Board members!

The Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) is a federal government agency responsible for the development of the Niger Delta region. The board members are appointed by the President of Nigeria.

Here is the list of new NDDC Board members as of 2022:

  1. Chairman: Obong Nsima Ekere (Akwa Ibom State)
  2. Managing Director: Professor Kemebradikumo Pondei (Bayelsa State)
  3. Executive Director, Projects: Dr. Cairo Ojougboh (Delta State)
  4. Executive Director, Finance and Administration: Ibanga Bassey Etang (Cross River State)
  5. Executive Director, Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation: Dr. Gbene Joi Nunieh (Rivers State)
  6. Executive Director, Infrastructure Development: Dr. Samuel Adjogbe (Edo State)
  7. Executive Director, Corporate Services: Dr. Charles Ogunmola (Ogun State)
  8. Executive Director, External Affairs: Dr. Ibifuro Martins (Ondo State)
  9. Executive Director, Community Development: Dr. Nwabueze Ogbonna (Imo State)
  10. Executive Director, Research and Statistics: Dr. Emmanuel Okoro (Abia State)

Please note that this list may be subject to change as new appointments are made or existing members resign.

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