Nz and australian pms clash over deportations

It seems like there's been a bit of a diplomatic spat between New Zealand and Australia over deportations!

According to recent reports, New Zealand's Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison have clashed over Australia's deportation policies. Specifically, Ardern has criticized Australia's decision to deport New Zealand citizens who have been convicted of crimes in Australia, saying it's "unacceptable" and "not in line with our values".

Morrison, on the other hand, has defended Australia's deportation policies, saying they are necessary to protect Australian citizens and maintain public safety.

The issue has been a point of contention between the two countries for some time, with many New Zealanders feeling that Australia is unfairly targeting them for deportation. Ardern has called for a review of the deportation policies and has urged Morrison to work with her government to find a solution.

It's interesting to see how this diplomatic spat plays out, especially given the close historical and cultural ties between New Zealand and Australia!

Would you like to know more about the specific deportation policies or the historical context of the relationship between NZ and Australia?