New nanda list

The NANDA International (NANDA-I) organization is responsible for developing and publishing the NANDA-I Taxonomy II, which is a standardized list of nursing diagnoses. The list is updated every 4-5 years to reflect changes in nursing practice and research.

The most recent update to the NANDA-I Taxonomy II was published in 2021. Here are some of the new diagnoses that were added:

  1. Acute Stress Disorder: A sudden onset of stress symptoms, including dissociation, derealization, and depersonalization, following a traumatic event.
  2. Chronic Pain Syndrome: A persistent and debilitating pain experience that affects an individual's daily life and well-being.
  3. Cultural Dissonance: A state of discomfort or distress resulting from a mismatch between an individual's cultural values and beliefs and those of their environment.
  4. Digital Addiction: A pattern of excessive and compulsive use of digital technology, leading to negative impacts on an individual's physical and mental health.
  5. Environmental Entropy: A state of disorganization and chaos in an individual's living environment, which can contribute to feelings of stress and anxiety.
  6. Fear of Missing Out (FOMO): A persistent and excessive worry about missing out on social events, experiences, or opportunities, which can lead to anxiety and decreased well-being.
  7. Grief: A complex and multifaceted response to loss, which can involve emotional, physical, and spiritual distress.
  8. Healthcare-Associated Infection: An infection that is acquired in a healthcare setting, often as a result of medical treatment or exposure to pathogens.
  9. Loneliness: A feeling of isolation and disconnection from others, which can have negative impacts on mental and physical health.
  10. Mental Health Stigma: A negative attitude or belief that people with mental health conditions are flawed or defective, which can contribute to social isolation and decreased help-seeking behavior.
  11. Nutrition Deficit: A lack of essential nutrients in an individual's diet, which can lead to physical and mental health problems.
  12. Pain Management: A complex process that involves assessing, managing, and coping with chronic pain.
  13. Perinatal Loss: The experience of losing a pregnancy or newborn, which can be a traumatic and distressing event for the individual and their family.
  14. Post-Traumatic Growth: A positive outcome that can result from a traumatic experience, including increased empathy, self-awareness, and personal growth.
  15. Sleep Disturbance: A disruption in an individual's sleep patterns, which can affect their physical and mental health.
  16. Spiritual Distress: A sense of disconnection or conflict between an individual's spiritual beliefs and values and their current life situation.
  17. Technology Addiction: A pattern of excessive and compulsive use of technology, leading to negative impacts on an individual's physical and mental health.
  18. Trauma-Related Dissociation: A coping mechanism that involves disconnecting from one's thoughts, feelings, or memories to avoid the emotional pain of a traumatic experience.

These are just a few examples of the new diagnoses that were added to the NANDA-I Taxonomy II. The full list of diagnoses can be found on the NANDA-I website.