Wp login.php?reauth=1&redirect_to=wp admin post new.php

A WordPress login URL!

Let's break it down:

wp-login.php: This is the WordPress login page.

reauth=1: This parameter forces the user to re-authenticate, even if they are already logged in.

redirect_to=wp-admin/post-new.php: This parameter specifies the URL that the user will be redirected to after logging in. In this case, it's the "Add New Post" page in the WordPress admin dashboard (wp-admin/post-new.php).

So, when you visit this URL, you'll be taken to the WordPress login page, and after logging in, you'll be redirected to the "Add New Post" page in the WordPress admin dashboard.

This URL can be useful if you want to force a user to re-authenticate before accessing a specific page or functionality in the WordPress admin dashboard.