New moon december

The December new moon!

Here are some interesting facts about the December new moon:

  1. Date and Time: The December new moon typically occurs around December 17th or 18th, with the exact date and time varying from year to year due to the moon's elliptical orbit around the Earth.
  2. Sign: The December new moon falls in the sign of Sagittarius, which is associated with adventure, exploration, and expansion.
  3. Lunar Cycle: The December new moon marks the beginning of a new lunar cycle, which lasts approximately 29.5 days. This cycle is also known as a synodic month.
  4. Astrological Significance: In astrology, the December new moon is considered a powerful time for setting intentions, making wishes, and planting seeds for the future. It's also a great time to reflect on the past year and release any emotional baggage.
  5. Native American Traditions: In many Native American cultures, the December new moon is considered a time for spiritual renewal and purification. It's believed to be a time when the veil between the physical and spiritual worlds is at its thinnest.
  6. Folklore and Mythology: In ancient mythology, the December new moon was associated with the goddess of the hunt, Artemis (Diana in Roman mythology). She was said to be born during this time, and her presence was believed to bring good luck and protection to those who honored her.
  7. Astronomical Significance: The December new moon is also a great time for stargazing, as the night sky is often clear and dark, making it easier to spot celestial objects like stars, planets, and constellations.

Overall, the December new moon is a special time for reflection, renewal, and setting intentions for the future. Take a moment to appreciate the beauty of the night sky and the magic of the lunar cycle!