Add new menu position zero

In ASP.NET Zero, you can add a new menu position by following these steps:

Step 1: Open the MenuConfig.cs file

In the Areas folder, open the MenuConfig.cs file. This file is responsible for defining the menu structure of your application.

Step 2: Add a new menu position

In the MenuConfig.cs file, add a new MenuItem to the MenuItems collection. For example:

public override void ConfigureMenu(MenuConfigurationBuilder builder)
    builder.AddMenuItem("MyNewMenu", "My New Menu", "MyNewMenu", "fas fa-new", "MyNewMenu", "MyNewMenu", "MyNewMenu");

In this example, we're adding a new menu item with the following properties:

Step 3: Update the menu layout

To display the new menu item in the correct position, you need to update the menu layout. You can do this by adding a new MenuSection to the MenuConfig.cs file:

public override void ConfigureMenu(MenuConfigurationBuilder builder)
    builder.AddMenuItem("MyNewMenu", "My New Menu", "MyNewMenu", "fas fa-new", "MyNewMenu", "MyNewMenu", "MyNewMenu");

    builder.AddMenuSection("MyNewMenu", "My New Menu", "fas fa-new", "MyNewMenu", "MyNewMenu", "MyNewMenu");

In this example, we're adding a new MenuSection with the same name as the menu item (e.g., "MyNewMenu"). This will create a new section in the menu with the same name and icon.

Step 4: Update the menu template

To display the new menu item in the correct position, you need to update the menu template. You can do this by modifying the MenuTemplate.cshtml file in the Areas folder.

For example, you can add a new li element to the menu template to display the new menu item:

<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
    @foreach (var item in Model.MenuItems)
        <li class="@item.CssClass">
            <a asp-page="@item.Route" title="@item.DisplayName">
                <i class="@item.Icon"></i>
    <li class="nav-item">
        <a asp-page="MyNewMenu" title="My New Menu">
            <i class="fas fa-new"></i>
            My New Menu

In this example, we're adding a new li element to the menu template to display the new menu item. We're using the asp-page attribute to link to the new menu item, and the title attribute to display the menu item's display name.

That's it! After updating the MenuConfig.cs file and the menu template, you should see the new menu item in the correct position in your application.