New minimum

You're referring to the concept of a "new minimum"!

A new minimum refers to a situation where a previously established minimum standard or benchmark is no longer sufficient, and a new, lower standard is set. This can occur in various areas, such as:

  1. Economic minimums: A new minimum wage, a lower cost of living, or a reduced threshold for poverty.
  2. Environmental minimums: Stricter regulations or lower emissions standards to mitigate climate change or pollution.
  3. Social minimums: New standards for education, healthcare, or social services to ensure basic human rights are met.
  4. Technological minimums: Advances in technology that make previously complex tasks easier or more accessible, such as AI-powered tools or affordable renewable energy.

The concept of a new minimum can be both a challenge and an opportunity. On one hand, it may require significant adjustments and investments to meet the new standards. On the other hand, it can drive innovation, improve quality of life, and promote sustainability.

What specific area or context are you interested in exploring the concept of a new minimum?