Innoson automaker denies sacking workers shutting operation

It appears that Innoson Vehicle Manufacturing (IVM), a Nigerian automaker, has denied reports of sacking workers and shutting down its operations.

According to a report by The Punch, IVM's management has denied the rumors, stating that the company is still operational and has not laid off any workers. The company's spokesperson, Cornel Osigwe, was quoted as saying that the rumors were "false and misleading".

Osigwe attributed the rumors to "mischievous individuals" who were trying to discredit the company. He added that IVM is still producing vehicles and has not stopped its operations.

It's worth noting that Innoson Vehicle Manufacturing has faced some challenges in the past, including a dispute with the Nigerian government over a debt owed to the company. However, it appears that the company is still operational and has not shut down its operations.

It's always important to verify information through credible sources before spreading rumors or misinformation.