New minimum wage template

Here is a template for a new minimum wage proposal:

Title: [Insert title, e.g. "Proposal for a New Minimum Wage"]

Executive Summary:

This proposal aims to increase the minimum wage to [insert proposed new minimum wage] per hour, effective [insert effective date]. This increase will help ensure that all workers in [insert state/city] can earn a living wage and support themselves and their families.


Proposed Changes:






This proposal aims to increase the minimum wage in [insert state/city] to [insert proposed new minimum wage] per hour, effective [insert effective date]. This increase will help to ensure that all workers in [insert state/city] can earn a living wage and support themselves and their families. We believe that this proposal will have a positive impact on the local economy and will help to reduce poverty and income inequality in [insert state/city].


Note: This is just a sample template and you should adjust it according to your specific needs and requirements.