Bbc latest news update

Here are the latest news updates from the BBC:

Top Stories

  1. UK economy shrinks by 0.1% in Q1: The UK's economy contracted by 0.1% in the first quarter of the year, according to official figures. This is the first quarterly decline since 2012.
  2. G7 leaders agree on global minimum corporate tax: Leaders of the G7 group of rich nations have agreed to introduce a global minimum corporate tax rate of at least 15% to prevent multinational companies from avoiding taxes.
  3. UK and EU reach deal on Northern Ireland trade: The UK and EU have reached a deal on trade rules for Northern Ireland, which will allow for the free movement of goods between the region and the rest of the UK.

World News

  1. US and China hold high-level talks on trade and security: The US and China have held high-level talks on trade and security, with both sides expressing concerns over each other's actions.
  2. India's COVID-19 cases surge to record high: India has reported a record number of new COVID-19 cases in a single day, with 414,188 cases and 3,915 deaths.
  3. Russia and Ukraine agree to ceasefire in Donbas region: Russia and Ukraine have agreed to a ceasefire in the Donbas region of eastern Ukraine, where fighting has been ongoing for years.

UK News

  1. Boris Johnson to face MPs over Partygate allegations: Prime Minister Boris Johnson is set to face MPs in the House of Commons to answer questions over allegations of parties held in Downing Street during lockdown.
  2. UK's COVID-19 vaccination programme to be extended to 12-15 year olds: The UK's COVID-19 vaccination programme is to be extended to children aged 12-15, with the first doses expected to be administered in September.
  3. London's transport network to be upgraded with new trains and stations: London's transport network is to be upgraded with new trains and stations, as part of a £4.2bn investment programme.

Business News

  1. FTSE 100 falls as UK economy shrinks: The FTSE 100 index of leading UK shares fell by 0.5% on the news that the UK economy had shrunk in the first quarter.
  2. Amazon to create 1,000 new jobs in the UK: Amazon is to create 1,000 new jobs in the UK, as part of a £1.5bn investment programme in the country.
  3. BP to cut 10,000 jobs globally: BP is to cut 10,000 jobs globally, as part of a major restructuring programme aimed at reducing costs and improving efficiency.

These are just some of the latest news updates from the BBC. You can find more news and information on the BBC website.