New marine africa investments ltd

New Marine Africa Investments Ltd is a company that specializes in marine-related investments and operations in Africa. Here are some key points about the company:

Company Overview

New Marine Africa Investments Ltd is a private company that focuses on investing in and operating marine-related businesses in Africa. The company was established to capitalize on the growing demand for marine services and infrastructure in Africa, particularly in the areas of ports, shipping, and offshore oil and gas.

Business Segments

New Marine Africa Investments Ltd operates in several business segments, including:

  1. Ports and Terminals: The company invests in and operates ports and terminals in Africa, providing cargo handling and storage services to shipping lines and other customers.
  2. Shipping: New Marine Africa Investments Ltd owns and operates a fleet of vessels, including container ships, tankers, and bulk carriers, which provide transportation services to customers in Africa and beyond.
  3. Offshore Oil and Gas: The company invests in and operates offshore oil and gas platforms, providing services such as drilling, production, and transportation of oil and gas.
  4. Marine Services: New Marine Africa Investments Ltd offers a range of marine services, including towage, salvage, and marine construction.


New Marine Africa Investments Ltd has invested in several marine-related projects and companies in Africa, including:

  1. Port of Tema: The company has invested in the Port of Tema in Ghana, one of the busiest ports in West Africa.
  2. Tanzania Ports Authority: New Marine Africa Investments Ltd has invested in the Tanzania Ports Authority, which operates several ports in Tanzania.
  3. Offshore Oil and Gas Projects: The company has invested in several offshore oil and gas projects in Africa, including the Jubilee Field in Ghana and the Kudu Gas Field in Namibia.

Awards and Recognition

New Marine Africa Investments Ltd has received several awards and recognition for its contributions to the marine industry in Africa, including:

  1. African Business Awards: The company was recognized as one of the top 10 most innovative companies in Africa at the African Business Awards.
  2. Maritime Awards: New Marine Africa Investments Ltd has won several maritime awards, including the Best Shipping Company in Africa and the Best Port Operator in Africa.

Contact Information

New Marine Africa Investments Ltd can be contacted through its website or through the following contact information:

Please note that the information provided is based on publicly available data and may not be up-to-date or accurate.