Germany could have considered leaving out ozil dfb manager bierhoff

A very interesting topic!

Mesut Özil's departure from the German national team was a highly publicized and controversial issue. While it's impossible to know for certain what was going through the minds of the German Football Association (DFB) and the team's management, there are some valid points that could have led to Özil's exclusion.

Here are a few reasons why the DFB might have considered leaving out Özil:

  1. Lack of form: Özil's form had been declining in the years leading up to his departure. He struggled to make an impact in the Premier League with Arsenal, and his performances for the national team were also inconsistent.
  2. Differences with Joachim Löw: There were reports of a rift between Özil and Joachim Löw, the German national team manager. Löw had been critical of Özil's performances, and Özil had reportedly become frustrated with the manager's tactics and team selection.
  3. Team dynamics: Özil's departure might have been seen as a way to refresh the team's dynamics and create a more cohesive unit. The German team had been together for a long time, and some players might have been feeling stale or complacent.
  4. Tactical considerations: Özil's playing style, which is often described as creative and attacking, might not have fit with Löw's preferred tactical approach. The German manager has often favored a more defensive and organized approach, which might not have suited Özil's strengths.

As for Oliver Bierhoff, the former German international and current DFB sports director, he has been criticized for his handling of the Özil situation. Some have accused him of being too harsh and dismissive of Özil's contributions to the national team. However, it's worth noting that Bierhoff has also been praised for his efforts to modernize the German national team and improve its performance.

In the end, the decision to leave out Özil was likely a complex one, influenced by a variety of factors. While it's impossible to know for certain what was going through the minds of the DFB and Löw, it's clear that the situation was highly controversial and divisive.