New love feeling

The thrill of new love! It's a feeling that can be both exhilarating and overwhelming. Here are some common emotions and sensations people experience when they're in the midst of a new romantic relationship:

  1. Butterflies in the stomach: That nervous, excited feeling you get when you're around your partner, like your stomach is filled with butterflies.
  2. Euphoria: A feeling of intense happiness and excitement, like you're walking on air.
  3. Increased energy: You might feel more energetic and alert, like you can take on the world.
  4. Intrusive thoughts: You can't stop thinking about your partner, replaying conversations, and wondering what they're doing.
  5. Nostalgia: You might feel like you're reliving your favorite memories or experiences, like you're in a dream.
  6. Vulnerability: You might feel more open and vulnerable with your partner, like you're sharing your true self.
  7. Excitement and anticipation: You can't wait to see your partner, go on dates, or plan future adventures together.
  8. Sense of belonging: You might feel like you've found your "home" or your "person," like you belong with this person.
  9. Increased empathy: You might feel more understanding and compassionate towards your partner, like you're on the same wavelength.
  10. Giddiness: You might feel like you're floating on air, like you're in a state of perpetual happiness.
  11. Loss of sleep: You might find yourself lying awake at night, thinking about your partner and replaying conversations.
  12. Increased creativity: You might feel more inspired, creative, or motivated, like your partner is bringing out the best in you.
  13. Sense of adventure: You might feel like you're ready to take on the world with your partner, like you're on a new adventure together.
  14. Feeling seen and heard: You might feel like your partner truly sees and hears you, like they understand you in a way no one else does.
  15. Unconditional acceptance: You might feel like your partner accepts you for who you are, without judgment or condition.

Remember, every person experiences new love differently, and these feelings can vary in intensity and duration. But for many people, the thrill of new love is a powerful and life-changing experience that can bring immense joy and fulfillment.