New local government in osun state

You're referring to the recent local government election in Osun State, Nigeria!

On December 18, 2022, the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) conducted local government elections in Osun State, which saw the emergence of new chairmen and councilors for the 30 local government areas in the state.

Here are some key highlights from the election:

  1. APC dominates: The All Progressives Congress (APC) won the majority of the chairmanship seats, with 22 out of 30 local governments. The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) won 6 seats, while the Social Democratic Party (SDP) won 1 seat and the African Democratic Congress (ADC) won 1 seat.
  2. New faces: The election saw the emergence of new chairmen and councilors, with many incumbents losing their seats. This is a significant change for the state, as it brings in fresh perspectives and ideas to local governance.
  3. Improved turnout: The election recorded a relatively high turnout, with many voters turning out to exercise their franchise. This is a positive development, as it shows increased interest in local government politics.
  4. Challenges: Despite the success of the election, there were some challenges reported, including allegations of vote-buying, ballot box snatching, and voter intimidation. INEC has promised to investigate these incidents and take necessary actions.

The new local government chairmen and councilors in Osun State will be responsible for providing essential services to their constituents, including infrastructure development, healthcare, education, and security. They will also work closely with the state government to implement policies and programs that benefit the people of Osun State.

I hope this information is helpful!