New keyword in solidity

A new keyword in Solidity!

As of Solidity 0.8.0, a new keyword called override has been introduced. This keyword is used to indicate that a function is overriding a function from a parent contract.

Here's an example:

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

contract Parent {
    function foo() public {
        // implementation

contract Child is Parent {
    function foo() public override {
        // implementation

In this example, the Child contract inherits from the Parent contract and overrides the foo() function. The override keyword is used to indicate that the foo() function in Child is overriding the foo() function in Parent.

The override keyword is optional, but it's recommended to use it to make the code more readable and maintainable. Without the override keyword, the compiler will still allow the override, but it will issue a warning.

The override keyword can also be used with functions that are not virtual, but it's only recommended to use it with virtual functions.

Here are some benefits of using the override keyword:

  1. Readability: The override keyword makes it clear that a function is overriding a function from a parent contract, making the code more readable.
  2. Maintainability: The override keyword helps to prevent accidental changes to the parent contract's function, making the code more maintainable.
  3. Type safety: The override keyword helps to ensure that the overridden function has the same return type and parameter types as the parent contract's function, making the code more type-safe.

Overall, the override keyword is a useful addition to Solidity that can help to improve the quality and maintainability of your smart contract code.