Doug band new republic

You're referring to Doug Band, the former aide to President Bill Clinton and founder of the consulting firm Teneo Holdings.

Doug Band has been a prominent figure in Democratic politics and has worked closely with the Clinton family for many years. He served as a senior advisor to President Clinton during his second term and was responsible for overseeing the administration's efforts to rebuild Haiti after the 2010 earthquake.

In 2011, Band founded Teneo Holdings, a global consulting firm that provides strategic advice to corporations, governments, and non-profit organizations. The firm has worked with a wide range of clients, including major corporations, financial institutions, and government agencies.

Band has been the subject of some controversy over the years, particularly with regards to his work at Teneo. In 2015, the New York Times reported that Band had used his connections to the Clinton family to secure lucrative contracts for Teneo, which raised questions about the firm's business practices and potential conflicts of interest.

In response to the controversy, Band resigned from his position at Teneo and stepped down as the firm's CEO. He has since spoken publicly about the need for greater transparency and accountability in the consulting industry.

Despite the controversy, Band remains a respected figure in Democratic politics and has continued to work on various projects and initiatives related to global development and humanitarian aid.