New inventions today

Here are some new inventions and innovations that have been developed in recent years:

  1. Foldable Smartphones: Samsung and Huawei have introduced foldable smartphones that can be folded and unfolded like a book, allowing for a larger screen in a smaller form factor.
  2. Artificial Intelligence-powered Contact Lenses: Mojo Vision has developed contact lenses with built-in artificial intelligence that can display information and images in the wearer's field of vision.
  3. 3D-printed Organs: Scientists have developed a way to 3D print functional organs, such as kidneys and livers, using a patient's own cells.
  4. Self-healing Materials: Researchers have developed materials that can self-heal from damage, such as cracks and scratches, using a combination of nanotechnology and biomimicry.
  5. Brain-Computer Interfaces: Companies like Neuralink and Kernel have developed brain-computer interfaces that allow people to control devices with their thoughts.
  6. Vertical Farming: Indoor farming companies like AeroFarms and Green Sense Farms have developed vertical farming systems that use LED lighting and hydroponics to grow crops in vertically stacked layers.
  7. Smart Contact Lenses: Mojo Vision has also developed smart contact lenses that can monitor glucose levels, track eye health, and provide virtual displays.
  8. Robotic Exoskeletons: Companies like Ekso Bionics and ReWalk have developed robotic exoskeletons that can help people with paralysis or other mobility impairments walk again.
  9. Quantum Computers: Companies like IBM and Google have developed quantum computers that can perform calculations that are exponentially faster than classical computers.
  10. Biodegradable Plastics: Companies like Ecovative and BioMason have developed biodegradable plastics made from natural materials like mushrooms and bacteria.
  11. Smart Home Automation: Companies like Amazon and Google have developed smart home automation systems that can control lighting, temperature, and security systems remotely.
  12. Electric Skateboards: Companies like Boosted Boards and Inboard have developed electric skateboards that can reach speeds of up to 24 miles per hour.
  13. Portable Water Purification Systems: Companies like LifeStraw and Sawyer Products have developed portable water purification systems that can remove bacteria, viruses, and contaminants from water.
  14. 3D-printed Prosthetics: Companies like Limbitless Solutions and Open Bionics have developed 3D-printed prosthetics that can be customized to fit individual patients.
  15. Autonomous Delivery Drones: Companies like Amazon and UPS have developed autonomous delivery drones that can transport packages and medical supplies.
  16. Smart Bike Helmets: Companies like Bell Helmets and Specialized have developed smart bike helmets that can detect accidents and alert emergency services.
  17. Portable Solar Power: Companies like Goal Zero and Anker have developed portable solar power systems that can charge devices on the go.
  18. Artificial Intelligence-powered Hearing Aids: Companies like Oticon and Phonak have developed hearing aids that use artificial intelligence to improve sound quality and speech recognition.
  19. Smart Bike Locks: Companies like Abus and Kryptonite have developed smart bike locks that can detect theft and alert owners.
  20. Biometric Authentication: Companies like Fingerprint Cards and Synaptics have developed biometric authentication systems that use fingerprint, facial, and iris recognition to secure devices.

These are just a few examples of the many new inventions and innovations that have been developed in recent years.