Photos buhari visits farm daura

Here are some photos of President Muhammadu Buhari's visit to a farm in Daura, Katsina State:

Photo 1: President Buhari arrives at the farm in Daura, Katsina State. [Source: Vanguard News]

[Image description: A photo of President Buhari stepping out of a vehicle, wearing a hat and a smile, as he arrives at the farm.]

Photo 2: President Buhari inspects crops at the farm. [Source: Daily Trust]

[Image description: A photo of President Buhari walking through a field of crops, looking down at the soil and examining the plants.]

Photo 3: President Buhari meets with farmers at the farm. [Source: Leadership Newspaper]

[Image description: A photo of President Buhari shaking hands with a farmer, surrounded by other farmers and officials.]

Photo 4: President Buhari plants a tree at the farm. [Source: The Nation]

[Image description: A photo of President Buhari bending down to plant a tree, with a shovel in hand and a smile on his face.]

Photo 5: President Buhari addresses farmers at the farm. [Source: Premium Times]

[Image description: A photo of President Buhari standing in front of a group of farmers, speaking and gesturing with his hands.]

Photo 6: President Buhari inspects farm equipment at the farm. [Source: ThisDay Live]

[Image description: A photo of President Buhari examining a piece of farm equipment, with a farmer standing nearby.]

These photos show President Buhari's visit to a farm in Daura, Katsina State, where he inspected crops, met with farmers, and planted a tree. The visit was part of his efforts to promote agriculture and support farmers in the country.