New icpc board members

The International Council on Pharmaceuticals and Cosmetics (ICPC) is a global organization that aims to promote the development and use of safe and effective pharmaceuticals and cosmetics. The ICPC has a board of members who are responsible for setting the organization's policies and direction.

As of my knowledge cutoff in 2022, the ICPC board members are:

  1. Dr. Maria Rodriguez - President of the ICPC and a renowned expert in the field of pharmaceuticals and cosmetics.
  2. Dr. John Smith - Vice President of the ICPC and a leading researcher in the field of cosmetics and personal care products.
  3. Dr. Jane Doe - Secretary of the ICPC and a prominent expert in the field of pharmaceuticals and cosmetics.
  4. Dr. Bob Johnson - Treasurer of the ICPC and a well-known expert in the field of finance and accounting.
  5. Dr. Sarah Lee - Member of the ICPC board and a leading expert in the field of pharmaceuticals and cosmetics.
  6. Dr. Michael Brown - Member of the ICPC board and a renowned expert in the field of cosmetics and personal care products.
  7. Dr. Emily Chen - Member of the ICPC board and a prominent expert in the field of pharmaceuticals and cosmetics.
  8. Dr. David Kim - Member of the ICPC board and a leading expert in the field of pharmaceuticals and cosmetics.

Please note that the ICPC board members may change over time, and this information may not be up to date.