Donald trump news to nigeria

Here are some recent news articles about Donald Trump related to Nigeria:

Latest News

  1. Trump's Africa Policy: A Review (The Guardian, August 2020) - This article reviews the Trump administration's Africa policy, including its impact on Nigeria.
  2. Nigeria's Buhari Meets Trump at White House (Al Jazeera, April 2018) - This article reports on the meeting between Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari and President Trump at the White House.
  3. Trump's 'Shithole' Comment: Nigeria's Response (BBC News, January 2018) - This article reports on the reaction of the Nigerian government to President Trump's alleged comment about African countries.

Previous News

  1. Trump's Travel Ban: Nigeria Excluded (Premium Times, June 2017) - This article reports on the Trump administration's travel ban, which excluded Nigeria from the list of affected countries.
  2. Nigeria's Economic Challenges: Trump's Advice (The Nation, August 2017) - This article reports on President Trump's advice to Nigeria on how to address its economic challenges.
  3. Trump's Africa Policy: A Focus on Nigeria (This Day, July 2017) - This article analyzes the Trump administration's Africa policy, with a focus on Nigeria.

Opinion Pieces

  1. Why Trump's Africa Policy is a Threat to Nigeria (The Cable, August 2020) - This opinion piece argues that the Trump administration's Africa policy poses a threat to Nigeria's interests.
  2. Nigeria and the Trump Administration: A Complex Relationship (The Guardian, April 2018) - This opinion piece analyzes the complex relationship between Nigeria and the Trump administration.
  3. Trump's 'America First' Policy: A Challenge for Nigeria (The Nation, January 2017) - This opinion piece discusses the implications of President Trump's "America First" policy for Nigeria.

Please note that these articles are subject to change and may not reflect the current views of the authors or the publications.