New guinea tribes

Papua New Guinea (PNG) is home to over 800 languages and more than 1,000 ethnic groups, each with their own unique culture and traditions. Here are some examples of tribes in Papua New Guinea:

  1. Huli Tribe: The Huli people are a tribe of about 50,000 people living in the Southern Highlands Province of PNG. They are known for their elaborate headdresses and body paint.
  2. Dani Tribe: The Dani people are a tribe of about 30,000 people living in the Baliem Valley of the Highlands Province of PNG. They are known for their traditional clothing and body paint.
  3. Asmat Tribe: The Asmat people are a tribe of about 50,000 people living in the southwestern part of PNG. They are known for their skilled woodcarvings and traditional canoes.
  4. Enga Tribe: The Enga people are a tribe of about 200,000 people living in the Enga Province of PNG. They are known for their traditional clothing and body paint.
  5. Simbu Tribe: The Simbu people are a tribe of about 150,000 people living in the Simbu Province of PNG. They are known for their traditional clothing and body paint.
  6. Chimbu Tribe: The Chimbu people are a tribe of about 100,000 people living in the Chimbu Province of PNG. They are known for their traditional clothing and body paint.
  7. Kalam Tribe: The Kalam people are a tribe of about 20,000 people living in the Western Highlands Province of PNG. They are known for their traditional clothing and body paint.
  8. Melpa Tribe: The Melpa people are a tribe of about 100,000 people living in the Western Highlands Province of PNG. They are known for their traditional clothing and body paint.
  9. Gogodala Tribe: The Gogodala people are a tribe of about 10,000 people living in the Gulf Province of PNG. They are known for their traditional clothing and body paint.
  10. Tairora Tribe: The Tairora people are a tribe of about 10,000 people living in the Eastern Highlands Province of PNG. They are known for their traditional clothing and body paint.

These are just a few examples of the many tribes that exist in Papua New Guinea. Each tribe has its own unique culture, language, and traditions, and they all contribute to the rich cultural diversity of the country.