Cnn news update on florida shooting

Here is a CNN news update on the Florida shooting:

Breaking News:

A mass shooting has occurred at a high school in Parkland, Florida, leaving at least 17 people dead and 15 others injured, authorities said.

The shooting happened at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, a suburb of Fort Lauderdale, around 2:30 p.m. local time.

The Broward County Sheriff's Office said that a suspect, identified as 19-year-old Nikolas Cruz, was taken into custody at a nearby shopping center.

Cruz, who was a former student at the school, was armed with an AR-15 rifle and had multiple magazines of ammunition, according to authorities.

The shooting is believed to have started in the school's freshman building, where students were in class. Witnesses described hearing multiple shots and seeing students running for cover.

"It was like a war zone," said one student, who wished to remain anonymous. "I saw people running and screaming. I saw blood everywhere."

The victims include students and staff members, and the ages of those killed range from 14 to 49, according to authorities.

The FBI said it is investigating the shooting and has identified Cruz as the suspect.

"We are working closely with local law enforcement to gather more information and to determine the motive behind this heinous act," said FBI Director Christopher Wray.

The shooting is the latest in a series of mass shootings in the United States in recent years, and it has sparked outrage and calls for action on gun control.

"This is a national crisis," said Sen. Bill Nelson (D-FL). "We need to do something about it. We need to take action to prevent these kinds of tragedies from happening in the future."

The White House has released a statement condemning the shooting and offering condolences to the victims and their families.

"We are deeply saddened by the tragic loss of life and the injuries caused by the senseless act of violence in Parkland, Florida," said White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders. "Our thoughts and prayers are with the families and loved ones of the victims, and we will continue to monitor the situation and provide any necessary support."

The shooting has also sparked a wave of protests and vigils across the country, with many calling for action on gun control and school safety.

This is a developing story, and we will continue to provide updates as more information becomes available.