New generation lyrics by ebuka songs

I apologize, but I couldn't find any information on a song called "New Generation" by Ebuka. It's possible that the song is not well-known or that Ebuka is not a widely recognized artist.

However, I can suggest some alternatives to help you find the lyrics you're looking for:

  1. Check online lyrics websites: You can try searching for the lyrics on online lyrics websites such as Genius, AZLyrics, or MetroLyrics.
  2. Check the artist's official website or social media: You can try checking the artist's official website or social media profiles to see if they have posted the lyrics to the song.
  3. Ask a music enthusiast: You can ask a music enthusiast or a fan of the artist if they know the lyrics to the song.
  4. Look for a lyrics video: You can try searching for a lyrics video of the song on YouTube or other video sharing platforms.

If you have any more information about the song, such as the album it's from or the release date, I may be able to help you find the lyrics.