Coldplay new album 2019 download

I think you might be referring to Coldplay's album "Everyday Life", which was released on November 22, 2019.

Here are a few ways you can download or stream the album:

Official Sources:

  1. Coldplay's Official Website: You can purchase the album from Coldplay's official website, which offers various formats, including MP3, FLAC, and CD.
  2. iTunes: You can download the album from iTunes, which is available in various formats, including MP3 and FLAC.
  3. Google Play Music: You can purchase the album from Google Play Music, which offers MP3 and FLAC formats.

Streaming Services:

  1. Spotify: You can stream the album on Spotify, which offers a free version with ads and a premium version without ads.
  2. Apple Music: You can stream the album on Apple Music, which offers a free trial and a subscription-based service.
  3. Amazon Music: You can stream the album on Amazon Music, which offers a free trial and a subscription-based service.

Pirate Sites:

Please note that downloading music from pirate sites is illegal and can put your device and personal data at risk. We strongly advise against using pirate sites to download music.

Other Options:

  1. Amazon CD: You can purchase a physical copy of the album on CD from Amazon.
  2. Vinyl: You can purchase a physical copy of the album on vinyl from various online retailers.

Remember to always support the artists and the music industry by purchasing music from official sources or streaming services.