New garment in the bible

What an interesting topic!

In the Bible, there are several accounts of new garments being worn by characters. Here are a few examples:

  1. Joseph's new garment (Genesis 37:3-4): Joseph, the son of Jacob, was given a new garment by his father before he went to visit his brothers in the field. This garment was a symbol of Joseph's favoritism by his father.
  2. The high priest's new garments (Exodus 28:2-5): God instructed Moses to make new garments for Aaron, the high priest, to wear when he ministered to the Israelites. These garments were made of fine linen and embroidered with gold and precious stones.
  3. The wedding garment (Matthew 22:11-14): In Jesus' parable of the wedding banquet, the king invites guests to his son's wedding. However, one of the guests comes without a wedding garment, which is a symbol of spiritual preparedness. The king is angry and has the guest thrown out of the banquet.
  4. The white robes of the redeemed (Revelation 6:11, 7:9-14, 19:8): In the book of Revelation, the redeemed are described as wearing white robes, symbolizing their purity and righteousness before God.

These examples illustrate the significance of new garments in the Bible, which can represent:

In each of these cases, the new garment serves as a symbol of the character's spiritual state or their relationship with God.