New form javascript

You're referring to the new form element in JavaScript!

The form element is a part of the HTML5 specification, and it allows you to create a new form object in JavaScript. This can be useful for creating dynamic forms, validating user input, and submitting data to a server.

Here's an example of how you can create a new form object in JavaScript:

const myForm = document.createElement('form');

This creates a new form element in the DOM, but it doesn't have any attributes or content yet. You can add attributes and content to the form using the various methods and properties available on the form object.

Here are some examples of what you can do with the form object:

Here's an example of a more complete form object:

const myForm = document.createElement('form');
myForm.action = '';
myForm.method = 'POST';
myForm.addEventListener('submit', function(event) {
  // Submit the form data to the server
  fetch(myForm.action, {
    method: myForm.method,
    body: new FormData(myForm),

This code creates a new form object, sets its action and method attributes, adds three input fields, and adds an event listener to the form's submit event. When the form is submitted, the event listener prevents the default form submission behavior and submits the form data to the server using the Fetch API.