Inec pledges to replace jimoh ibrahims name with eyitayo jegede for ondo election #

It seems like you're referring to a recent development in Nigeria's electoral politics. Here's a breakdown of what I've gathered:

INEC (Independent National Electoral Commission) has reportedly pledged to replace the name of Jimoh Ibrahim, a former candidate, with Eyitayo Jegede, the new candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in the upcoming Ondo State governorship election.

Jimoh Ibrahim was initially announced as the PDP candidate, but he was later disqualified by the party due to a court ruling. Eyitayo Jegede, a former Attorney-General of Ondo State, was subsequently chosen as the new candidate.

INEC's decision to replace Jimoh Ibrahim's name with Eyitayo Jegede's name on the ballot paper is likely a response to the court ruling and the PDP's decision to replace Ibrahim with Jegede.

This development could have significant implications for the upcoming election, as it may affect the chances of the PDP candidate and the overall outcome of the election.

Would you like me to provide more information on this topic or clarify any specific aspects of the situation?